Dua For Husband and Wife

5 Powerful Dua For Husband Love and Attraction


A wife wants to look good for her husband. She wants to look beautiful to attract her husband. She wants all her husband’s love for herself and cannot bear his interest in anyone else. However, some husbands may go astray and may find other women beautiful.

If your husband finds other women appealing and attractive, you should recite dua for husband love and attraction to divert his attention from the other women and make him focus on you. Insha Allah, with this dua’s help to attract husband, you will never face such a situation again.

You can make your husband crazy out of love by using the romantic dua. It is a halal technique to deepen the husband-wife bond. The love between husband and wife can be boosted by using the dua for husband and wife love and romantic dua.

A marriage is a unique and sincere bond that ties two hearts together forever. Dua to attract husband is the most effective method to get a husband’s love and attraction. You may also use this dua to win back your husband’s attention.

Here are some important points to know how or when to make dua for your Husband Love and Attraction –

  • Sit in a secluded area.
  • Perform wuzu throughly.
  • Read Surah al Muzammil (chapter 73), 51 times after that.
  • Every time you consume anything sweet, blow air through the palm of your right hand and give it to your partner to eat.
  • Perform this task continuously for eleven days.
  • Insha Allah, Your husband will be deeply attracted to you.

Which Surah To Read For Husband Love?

You should know which Surah to read for husband love if you feel your husband has lost interest in you and his love for you has diminished through the years. In this article, we will share which Surah and dua for husband love is the best to get love from husband.

There is a cure for your relationship woes, and it involves a little dua for love and attraction between you and your husband. It will bring back the passion and romance in your marriage and make your husband adore you again.

The dua to increase love in husband’s heart will work even if your husband is very busy with work and profession; he will still find time to love and care for you. Read the prayers for love and attraction and good outcomes are on the horizon.

Romantic Dua For Husband Love

  • To begin, take a shower and put on white clothing.
  • Next, sit alone and visualise your husband.
  • Then, chant “Minal Abdidh – Dhaleel IIaal Mawlal Jalee 23 times.
  • After that, say “Kadd Shaga Fahaa Hubban” twenty-one times.
  • Continue performing this wazifa for forty days.

You can acquire the procedure of about dua for husband love from our Molvi sahab. He will give you the best wazifa to solve this problem, and soon you won’t have any more problems. Just practice the dua to increase love in your husband. Insha Allah, everything will become fine. 

How To Make Your Husband Love You?

Here is the most powerful Dua For Husband Love And Attraction Islam.

  • Practice this dua 300 times after the namaz of Isha at night.
  • Recite Durood Shareef thrice in the beginning and in the end before and after the dua
  • Make sure you recite it continuously for 11 days.

The romantic dua will create immense love in the heart of your husband. And because it is a mujarrab dua, it should be practiced only after seeking permission from our Molvi Sahab.

Ya Wadoodoo Ya Ra’ufoo Ya Raheemo

It is a very powerful dua to attract husband love and will yield fruitful results shortly. Just recite it with full belief and concentration. Also, ensure you recite it only for your husband rather than your lover, or you will not get results.

The prayer for husband wife love is a special Islamic prayer. If a girl wants to marry at the right time, try this dua for good life partner. To fulfil their expectations in a life partner, they should read the dua for best husband. This dua for husband love will help them get married to a man with all the qualities they want in a spouse.

Dua For Spouse Love

One of the most popular duas for spouse love is the following:

“Rabbi habli minas-saliheen”

This dua is found in Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) of the Quran and can be recited by both husbands and wives to seek Allah’s blessings for a loving and righteous spouse.
Another dua that can be recited for spouse love is:

Allahumma inni as’aluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuka wa hubba ‘amalin yuqarribuni ila hubbika

Either spouse can recite this dua to seek Allah’s love and blessings for a loving and affectionate relationship with their spouse. The sincerity, faith, and good intentions of the supplicant are crucial to the success of any dua. Therefore, reciting dua for spouse love with a pure heart, sincere intentions, and full trust in Allah’s mercy and power is important. Additionally, it is important to engage in good deeds and righteous actions to increase the effectiveness of the dua.

Benefits Of Reciting Dua For Husband’s Love For His Wife

Reciting dua for husband’s love for his wife can have several benefits, including:

  1. Strengthening the marital bond: Dua for husband love can help strengthen the emotional bond between husband and wife, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious marital relationship.
  2. Enhancing love and affection: Dua can help to enhance feelings of love, care, and affection between husband and wife, which can create a more loving and supportive environment for both partners.
  3. Resolving conflicts: Dua can help to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings between husband and wife by promoting forgiveness, understanding, and compassion.
  4. Promoting happiness and peace: Dua can promote happiness and peace in the marital relationship by fostering an optimistic outlook towards each other and life.
  5. Invoking Allah’s blessings: Dua can invoke Allah’s blessings and mercy on the marital relationship, leading to increased love, happiness, and fulfillment for both partners.

Dua for the husband’s love for his wife can improve the marriage and make life more loving, peaceful, and rewarding.

Before You Begin These Duas, Read Some Instructions.

Prayer, or dua, is a way for us to talk to Allah directly. We pray that He will hear our prayers and solve our problems. Since Allah is the only one who can show us the right way, our main goal is to say dua with full faith so that Almighty Allah can hear it. After Isha Salat, you need to start this amal.

  • First, read Durood Salavat eleven times.
  • After that, read Surah Taha Ayat 39.
  • Now hold two nuts in your hands and read Durood Salawat again.
  • Last, you need to blow on both almonds.
  • Last but not least, make your husband eat them.
  • For seven days, you have to do the same thing.
  • This process might be hard for you to follow because of some problems.
  • You can also read Dua to get what you want quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions?

How To Perform Dua To Get Husband Love and Attraction?

Read above mentioned dua for husband love and attraction. You can also take help from our expert Islamic scholar for perform this dua with the complete process. This dua is an absolutely a powerful remedy for a happy life with your husband.

Which Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife?

You can recite this dua for husband wife love. This romantic dua will enhance the love between couples. If you’re feeling lonely and unloved in your marriage, try this Islamic prayer to win your husband’s heart.

Which Dua Is Best To Bring Husband And Wife Closer?

This dua to bring husband and wife closer is the best Islamic way. The love will increase in your married life by the use of this dua. All you have to do this dua with genuine heart. Insha Allah you will get a joyful life with your life partner.

Which Surah Is Best For Husband Love?

Surah is also the most powerful way to make your husband love you. If you perform surah wazifa with the dua to get love from husband then these Islamic solution work fast. To get to know more about which surah to read for husband love, you can also consult with our Molvi Sahab.

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