Special Qurani Dua

Dua For Daughter To Get Married Soon


Dua For Daughter Marriage

As a parent, one of your primary goals is to see that your daughter marries well and settles down in a prosperous household. However, girls these days are not ready to marry so soon. They want time to study and live their life to the fullest. If your daughter is also not ready to marry, you should recite dua for daughter marriage. The dua will change her mind, and she will readily agree to marry as per your choice. Soon, you will be able to marry her with love and respect.

However, if your daughter likes someone and is not ready to marry someone of your choice, then you should recite dua to make daughter agree for arrange marriage. Insha Allah, the dua will help you in wiping out the fantasy of love marriage from her mind and she will ultimately agree with your decision.

Dua for daughter to get married soon is given below:

  • Recite two rakat of namaz-e-hajat and then continue sitting on the prayer.
  • Recite “Ya Latifu” 313 times and then make dua to Allah Talah for your daughter’s marriage.
  • Insha Allah, very soon your daughter will get ready for her marriage according to your choice.

Dua For Marriage Of Daughter

But, if you seriously love someone and cannot live without him, then you should recite dua to make parents agree for love marriage. The dua for marriage of daughter will change the thinking of your parents and they will accept your choice. The dua for daughter marriage will make them consider your choice and eventually they will agree to get you marry your lover. But, on the contrary, if you don’t want her to go for a love marriage, then you should recite dua to make daughter agree for arrange marriage.

However, even in Islam, it is said to consider the choice of your daughter. So, if you be a little considerate and you like the boy, then you can agree to her love marriage. Girls can get the dua to convince parents for love marriage from our molvi Sahab. He will offer you the right advice in this regard. Marriage is the unity of two people, hence you should do it with great caution and care. Never force your decision of marriage on your daughter.

Dua For Marriage Proposal For Daughter

The wazifa for girl marriage is a powerful wazifa that may provide the greatest marriage proposal to any girl. If you are a girl’s mother, father, or brother and wish to get her married as soon as feasible, you should start practising this wazifa for marriage proposal for girl immediately.

The procedure for executing this wazifa for girl marriage is outlined below:

  • After ablution, sit in a peaceful spot to conduct this wazifa.
  • Durood Shareef has been read 11 times.
  • Then, in a hushed voice, recite “Ya Khabeeroo” 823 times.
  • Finally, recite Durood Shareef 11 times more.

Your daughter will receive the ideal marriage proposal within a few days of doing this wazifa for marriage proposal for girl. She will soon be able to marry and start a family with her husband.

Do not doubt the success of the dua for daughter marriage. Have faith and indeed the Almighty will bless you with all you desire and deserve. Insha Allah, Allah Subhana Wa’ Tala, the most beneficent and most merciful will put an end to your troubles and guide you through all the troubles, very soon.

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