Dua For Husband and Wife

6 Powerful Dua for Husband And Wife Love


Dua for husband wife love is ideal for a husband’s love and attraction since it encourages them to fall in love with each other once more and pay attention to what they have to say. Due to this, Surah Dua offers you the duas you need to make your husband fall in love with you and duas to get husband love.

The surah for husband and wife love, dua for husband to love his wife only, dua to increase love between husband and wife, surah for husband and wife love, dua for husband love, and dua for husband wife love.

Dua For Husband And Wife Relationship

We are grateful to Allah for hearing our dua asking for him to just love and be devoted to his wife only. Al-Waliyy, I constantly miss my partner and I want him to show me all of his affection. Al-Mubdi, I put my faith in You and sincerely beg You to give his heart my love and to show him that I am the ideal wife for him. Almighty Allah, I ask for your assistance in developing my personality in a way that will attract him to me and bring him to me. (Read before reciting any dua.)

Procedure: Recite this dua for husband and wife love from Quran.

  1. First Perform Namaz 5 times in a day.
  2. Read dua “Wa-alqaytu AAalayka mahabbatan minnee walitusnaAAa A’ala A’ayneefor 45 times.
  3. Now Pray for Allah to get love in your life.
  4. Insha Allah, your wish will complete soon. 

You can also read: Dua To Bring Wife Back After Divorce

The dua for husband wife love is a remedy that helps women in keeping her husband happy with her. This is the most special dua to get a happy life with husband. This dua for husband and wife is an assurance that a woman will never have to worry about her husband cheating on her. The husband’s love dua will make sure that a husband always stays with her. This dua to get husband love will make your husband loyal and obedient about you.

Method To Perform Husband And Wife Love-

1. Perform an ablution using only pure Niyyah.

2. Say “Allah Hus Samad” one hundred-one times.

3. Following the morning prayer, recite “Allahu Akbar” 51 times.

4. Place a piece of paper with the words “Alhamdulillah” on it under your pillow.

5. After Evening prayer, repeat Surah Yunus verse 6 twice.

Every woman wants a man who will love her with all his heart. The love and trust between spouses is what keeps the marriage alive for a married couple. This is why a woman who wants her husband to always love her, should read the dua for husband to love his wife only. This is a remedy that will help her in keeping her husband attracted to her forever. To do this, you must first make a Niyyah for husband to love his wife before reading the dua for husband and wife love as described below.

Thank You, Al-Jaami’, for allowing me to read a dua to get my husband’s love and attention and dua for husband to love his wife. I adore and respect Almighty Allah, yet it saddens me because he doesn’t listen to me when I speak. Al-Muqsit, make him love me and encourage him to give importance to me so I can speak. Al-Hakeem, assist him in discovering the right road to rediscover his love for and attraction to me so that he will pay attention to me. Ar- raheem’, grant me Your Holy Light and guide me to discover how I might get him to pay attention to me.

  1. First, clear your mind of any sad or angry thoughts and take a good, refreshing bath to make yourself feel clean.
  2. Say a special prayer called Ayatul Kursi 11 times. It’s like talking to God to ask for help.
  3. Then, say another prayer called Durood Sharif 50 times. This prayer is like sending good wishes to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
  4. Now, say a special sentence asking God to help your husband love you. Repeat this sentence “Rabbanahablaana min azwajiina waadhuriy-yatina” 221 times.
  5. After that, talk to God from your heart. Ask Him to make your husband love and care for you more.
  6. Do this special prayer routine every day for a week. Believe strongly that God is listening and helping.
  7. It’s best to do these prayers after the evening prayer, in a quiet place where you can concentrate.

Wazifa For Husband And Wife Love

Are you concerned about your husband’s affection? Do you wish for your husband to express deep love towards you? If so, the solution lies in these 6 steps wazifa for husband and wife love for you exclusively.

1. Start by taking a shower.

2. After that, repeat the Durood e Ebrahimi 121 times.

3. Next, say “Yaa Waaliyo” a thousand times.

4. Recite this wazifa seven times a week.

5. Ask Allah to make him attached to you and responsive to what you have to say

6. You will soon meet your Hajat, inshallah.

Do you wish for your husband to show you respect? Experiencing the pain in your heart and the stress of being consistently disrespected can be incredibly challenging. Many women endure their husbands’ hurtful behavior with tearful eyes daily, while others may eventually give up on the relationship. If you desire a change in your husband’s attitude, carefully read and consider the “4 Quick Dua For Husband To Respect Wife” before reciting it.

To perform the “dua for a husband to respect his wife,” follow these steps:

  1. Begin by taking a bath and putting on clean clothes before starting the supplication for your husband’s increased respect.
  2. Recite Surah Ikhlas, a chapter from the Quran.
  3. Stand up and recite the phrase “YA AZIZ-O” a total of 2100 times as part of your focused prayer.
  4. While standing, raise your hands and sincerely pray to Allah. Ask for His intervention to soften your husband’s heart, leading to increased respect, love, and care towards you like never before.

These steps are meant to be carried out with sincerity and faith, aiming for a positive transformation in your husband’s behavior. Perform this dua consistently, and believe in the power of your prayers.

The foundation of a strong relationship between a husband and wife is built on trust. If your husband lacks trust in you, we offer you four powerful Duas to help rebuild that trust.

To perform the “dua for a husband to trust his wife,” follow these steps:

  1. Begin by performing the Magrib prayer before initiating this supplication.
  2. Place a picture of your husband in front of you, creating a focused and heartfelt connection.
  3. Recite Ayat No. 1-13 from Surah Ar-Rahman to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance.
  4. Conclude the ritual by kissing your husband’s picture, earnestly praying to Allah. Request Him to restore trust in your husband’s heart, strengthen your relationship, dispel misunderstandings, and pave the way for a peaceful and joyful married life.
  5. Consistently perform this dua for the husband to trust the wife for five days, maintaining unwavering faith in Allah. Anticipate positive results by the end of the fifth day.

Remember, sincerity and faith are crucial components in the effectiveness of your prayers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Powerful Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer?

The dua to bring husband and wife closer also acts as a prayer that can resolve fights between married people. When a wife wants her husband to forgive her for her mistakes, she should read this dua. By reading this dua with full faith and honest intention, a woman will be able to get forgiveness from her husband.

What is the Best Dua For Husband Love And Attraction?

The dua for husband love and attraction is a remedy that will help a woman in keeping her marriage blissful. This marriage continues with a husband always loving his wife. When a lady regularly recites this dua for husband love, Allah will ensure her marriage’s happiness. This will maintain a loving relationship between a man and woman where love will never diminish at any cost.

What Is Strong Wazifa For Husband Love?

A woman who did not perfrom the wazifa for husband love before marriage can perform it after getting married as well. This strong wazifa will help her in bringing love in her married life so that she and her husband have a happy married life.

Tell Me Dua To Change My Husband’s Heart or Mind In Islam?

Married women also use the dua for husband to change the behavior of their husband. Many women feel bad when their husband misbehaves with them. When a woman doesn’t feel loved by her husband, she can ask Allah for help. The dua to change husband’s mind is a remedy that helps women stuck in marriages where they are not loved.

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